Henry Fritz

🎨 Color Picker


My current contract is ending in June of 2025, so I'm looking for a new role. Please reach out on linkedin, shoot me an email or give me a call if you have any opportunities available.

Songs for the Month of October 2023

I'm going to try adding about 10 songs a month on here each month: mostly stuff I've been listening to lately. Some of these are carry-over from what I was listening to earlier in the year (still love that new KNOWER record!) and this one is kinda all over the place, but then again, so are my listening habits.

Jade : Part 1

by Andrew Rathbun


by Blick Bassy

I'm Ready

by Tevin Campbell

Faery Song

by Kenneth McKellar


by Sam Gendel

The Golden Willow Tree

by Jacob Xerxes Fussell

Like Someone In Love

by Bill Evans

Blue Calx

by Aphex Twin

Hands on the Wheel

by Willie Nelson

Crash the Car


Sub Rosa

by Daniel Aged

Don't Ask My Neighbors

by The Emotions

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