Henry Fritz

🎨 Color Picker


My current contract is ending in June of 2025, so I'm looking for a new role. Please reach out on linkedin, shoot me an email or give me a call if you have any opportunities available.


Radio Garden is a website that allows you to listen to radio from all around the world (or, at least a lot of it!)

As a former radio DJ (and someone who frequently still wishes he was) I love the human touch of real DJs and the experience of hearing someone fumble behind the soundboard. Compared to seeing a band live versus a recording, you may not get a note-for-note perfect rendition, but the imperfections are what make it special.

I've discovered hundreds of domestic terrestrial radio stations that are great, as well as a host of international stations that I would have never found otherwise. I spend a lot of time browsing the midwest and south in America, but also spend a lot of time between western Africa, southern Europe, the middle east, and Sri Lanka.

If anyone has any stations they've found that they'd like to share, feel free to shoot me an email and I'll check them out!

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