Henry Fritz

🎨 Color Picker


My current contract is ending in June of 2025, so I'm looking for a new role. Please reach out on linkedin, shoot me an email or give me a call if you have any opportunities available.

Night Mode

Added some new functionality and posts to the site. It's been a remarkably tough couple of months for me, but my spirit is undefeatable (regrettably.) I templated text, accent, and background colors to do dark mode but then decided to throw live color changing in there as well (the color picker up at the top.) I built in style persistance between pages using localStorage. I added a compiled list of all the songs from the "Songs for the Month" posts, and I switched away from using astro's ViewTransitions. Too much workaround code for simple functionality. Also O moved away from expandable grid stuff for the about me page and set up a modal instead.

I put together a powershell script to grab the songs from the markdown files as well. Got a couple of encoding errors this time around so I’ll try to fix it before I run it again.

# Define a function to extract song information from a file
function Extract-SongsFromFile {
    param (

    Write-Output "Reading file: $filePath"
    $content = Get-Content -Path $filePath -Raw

    # Generalized regular expression to match the song information
    $pattern = '<iframe.*?src="(.*?)".*?</iframe>\s*<h2>\s*(.*?)\s*</h2>\s*<h3>\s*by\s*(.*?)\s*</h3>'

    Write-Output "Applying regex pattern to extract song information..."
    $matches = [regex]::Matches($content, $pattern)

    if ($matches.Count -eq 0) {
        Write-Output "No matches found in file: $filePath"

    $songs = @()
    foreach ($match in $matches) {
        $song = @{
            youtube_url = $match.Groups[1].Value.Trim()
            title = $match.Groups[2].Value.Trim()
            artist = $match.Groups[3].Value.Trim()
        Write-Output "Extracted song: Title='$($song.title)', Artist='$($song.artist)', YouTube URL='$($song.youtube_url)'"
        $songs += $song

    return $songs

# Main script
$directory = ".\src\content\blog\"
Write-Output "Searching for files in directory: $directory"
$songFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -Filter 'songs-for-the-month*.md'

Write-Output "Found files:"
$songFiles | ForEach-Object {
    Write-Output $_.FullName

$allSongs = @()
foreach ($file in $songFiles) {
    $songs = Extract-SongsFromFile -filePath $file.FullName
    $allSongs += $songs

Write-Output "All extracted songs:"
$allSongs | ForEach-Object {
    Write-Output "Title: $($_.title)"
    Write-Output "Artist: $($_.artist)"
    Write-Output "YouTube URL: $($_.youtube_url)"
    Write-Output ""

# Convert the results to JSON
$jsonOutput = $allSongs | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3
Write-Output "JSON Output:"
Write-Output $jsonOutput

# Save the JSON output to a file
$jsonOutput | Out-File -FilePath ".\extracted_songs.json"
Write-Output "JSON output saved to extracted_songs.json"

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