Getting back into 3D Modeling
Breaking out of geometry nodes world
For the last half decade or so, my interest in 3d graphics has been mostly tied into parameterized mesh and texture construction. I really got my hands dirty with Sverchok (my work can be found in the gallery here-- linked as "Henry") and, as it became part of Blender, I started to get into geometry nodes. These non-destructive tools played directly to my existing interest in generative artwork (which was my wheelhouse for a number of years with things like Processing, P5.js, and Three.js) and I've had a lot of fun experimenting with them over the years.
Before really going down that route, I also enjoyed the traditional destructive modeling and sculpting tools native to most 3d software. I got a demo for Maya from PC World (I think) when I was about 13 or 14, and ever since creating some spheres with metallic materials, I've been hooked. I'd like to get back into creating scenes with representative stuff in them instead of my current abstract "motion graphics" type work. My goal at some point over the next year is to be able to integrate some 3d work on this website.
Since Astro integrates well with components from other frameworks (Angular, Vue, and React if I recall correctly) I'm hoping to leverage a tool like react-three-fiber to import some models and scenes into the site. It's not as easy to manage animated assets within the browser, so some decent models might make for better website content from my estimation. I'd really love if there were a good integration between angular components and threejs, but so far I've not found the right one. If you've had any luck with Angular component friendly threejs integrations, feel free to shoot me an email!