Henry Fritz

🎨 Color Picker


My current contract is ending in June of 2025, so I'm looking for a new role. Please reach out on linkedin, shoot me an email or give me a call if you have any opportunities available.

Open Source Chrome Extension for Image Scraping

A few weekends ago, I was thinking about where LLMs can provide the most value for regular internet users, and the more I thought about it: it's got to be the browser. I decided I should try learning how to put together a browser extension. Having never delved much past learning you had to have some specific manifest json config file, I decided to start simple: I whipped together a chrome extension that will download all images from a page belonging to a specific css selector. If you'd like to try this project out, it's available on my github as both source and there is a "pre-release" release available for download.

With Google's recent announcement of Gemini and my pre-existing knowledge of GCP and LLM agents, I feel like I might be able to spin up something fun and/or useful without a ton of effort. Being multi-modal, Gemini brings all kinds of possibilities to the table.

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